If you would like to have a Mass celebrated for a loved one or a special intention, contact the Parish
Office or mail in your requests with your contact information. Each person is allowed only 6 Days/Masses
allowing those with recent deaths to offer a Mass during the new open period after the 1st day of the
opening of books and so that everyone interested in having a Mass has done so. Anyone wishing to
request additional masses may contact the Parish for those remaining dates not taken.
Thursdays’ are Collective Masses, meaning that more than one person can request a Mass intention for
that day.
Gardener Ministry needs volunteers
to help maintain the Church grounds
by watering the plants or pulling out
the weeds. If interested contact Lynn
at (716) 472-1195 if you would like
to give your time to this service
O God, our Father in heaven,
through the powerful intercession
of Our Lady of Prompt Succor,
hear the humble voices of your
children. The Sea of Galilee
obeyed your order and returned
to its former calmness,
you are still the Master of land and
sea. During this hurricane season,
we turn to You, O loving Father.
Spare us from past tragedies and
protect us from future storms. Amen
The installation of new officers for the CDA
will be Saturday, July 27th after the 5 pm
Mass. All CDA members are encouraged to
attend the 6 pm installation.
For information on the next Baptismal class
please contact the Parish Office, as soon as
possible. All necessary paperwork must be
submitted by the first Thursday of the