Sunday, September 1st after the 11:30 AM
Mass & held @ the Parish Hall.
You may bring a covered dish, salad or a dessert
but is not required.
Sign-up sheet is available after the weekend
Masses or contact Lynn @ 716-472-1195.
All are welcomed!
If you would still like to have a Mass celebrated for a loved one or a special intention, contact the Parish
Office or mail in your requests with your contact information. Each person is allowed only 6 Days/Masses
allowing those with recent deaths to offer a Mass during the new open period after the 1st day of the opening
of books and so that everyone interested in having a Mass has done so. Anyone wishing to request additional
masses may contact the Parish for those remaining dates not taken.
Thursdays’ are Collective Masses, meaning that more than one person can request a Mass intention for
that day.
On Monday, August 19th, the
demolition of the bell tower of the
Church is scheduled to begin. The
Parish will be completely shut down
during this process. Please understand that this
means NO ONE is to be on the Parish grounds
throughout the duration of this demolition process.
❖ Daily Mass will be held privately by Fr. Emilio
❖ The Parish office will be closed and NO
meetings are to be scheduled during this time.